the first time i photographed parker, he was about 5 years old. it was also the first time i met his mom and dad, and little did i know how much i would love this family! they are just good people who are an absolute crack-up to be around, and parker is all-around great. (i base my judgement of people solely on how they participate in photo shoots) – parker has always been my perfect “client.” he doesn’t complain, he has manners, and he laughs at my dumb jokes – the trifecta.
for his senior pics, part II (we did a part I in the fall), we headed out to the west bottoms and wandered around. every time i go down there, it is different these days. i love that the area is coming back to life, although i tend to gravitate to the torn down areas for photos!

this year was the year we have talked about for 13 years – his senior pictures year. i put an incredible amount of pressure on myself to make great photos when i love the family so much. i was also able to convince parker’s parents (and fur-sister) to participate…i always love when i can get a family photo (or at least the parents) during the senior session because there is a proudness in parents’ faces that is so obvious. i always love those images (and so do the parents).

congratulations, parker!! your FAVORITE photographer is incredibly proud of you! 😉